Tuesday, October 7, 2008

4-H Awards Banquet

On September 27th, 2008 our family attended the Polk County 4-H Awards Banquet. Awards were given for the 2007 - 2008 4-H year. On that evening, both of my children received the Green and White Award. To get this award members must submit at least two Project Books, do at least 15 hours of community service, hold an office in a 4-H club and participate in a 4-H competition that advances to at least the state level. I am very proud of my boys for their accomplishments. Matthew submitted a Horticulture Record Book and a Computer Record Book. Andrew submitted a Horticulture Record Book and a Marine Ecology Record Book on Florida seashells. Andrew was also awarded a $50 prize for the highest scoring Junior Record Book (Horticulture).
The thing that I am most proud of is the award that they both received for doing over 25 hours of community service. Awards and acknowledgements seem important at the time, but in the end it is the service we do for others that really matters.

1 comment:

The Dischers said...

Good job, Matthew and Andrew! We are very proud of both of you. I know you strive for excellence in all that you do and that your community service is from the heart.

God Bless!
The Dischers