Well, we have made our first visit on our "College Road Trip" as we begin the process of looking at colleges for Matthew. A few weeks ago he was invited to an Open House at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. It was an exciting day that started very early. After the opening assembly, he was able to visit all of the labs on campus, as well as talk to current students and professors. Their were prospective students there visiting the campus from as far away as California, Puerto Rico and North Dakota. It seems like just yesterday he was just starting kindergarten...where has the time gone....

Matthew, a self proclaimed
"geek" was pretty
impressed with this massive computer!
Matthew, a self proclaimed
"geek" was pretty
impressed with this massive computer!
We are all so proud of Matthew. We are confident the Lord will greatly use his life for His glory. Looks like a nice day you had.
Wow, college..........(shaking my head and wiping a tear)deep sigh........
Time goes too fast...I remember the first time I met Matthew, he was then "Andrew's big brother" at the homeschool Kindergarten graduation practice.
He surely has grown into a young man who you can be proud of!
BTW: Robert considered going to Embry Riddle for the flight training. It looks like a good choice!
The Millers
"Self proclaimed geek" that is so Matthew! He is definitely his own person, and makes no apologies. I think his blog title says it all. I love it.
We pray that God gives your family wisdom in this very crucial decision. We know Matthew will be mightily used of God. Like the Stricklens said, We ARE all proud of Matthew!
Hey! If you come across some electrical engineering programs, pick up a brochure for Pete!
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