Recently, Rob and I attended a memorial service for a friend we knew from high school. Rob had known him for many more years than I. They had been in Boy Scouts together and had spent many fun times enjoying the "great outdoors". His un-timely death was unexpected......he was 43 years old. As I looked around the church at the service, everyone looked so stunned. How could this happen to someone in the prime of their life? It is at times like these that suddenly my life is put into perspective. Everyday is a gift from God. How am I spending my days? I am really trying to live everyday for the glory of God? Am I spending my time enjoying the beautiful world our Lord has created or just rushing from one place to another? My heart is breaking for the family of our friend. My hope is that I will see him again one day in the place that Jesus has prepared for me.
Oh, Kelly! How hard to watch a young family go through this and then to realize that it is truly only God's grace that keeps us daily. Thanks for reminding al of us to think in the light of eternity.
Kelly, These times in our lives are surely soul-searching times. Whether the loved one or friend is older or tragically younger, the very act of stopping for reflection is centering -- we cannot pretend for those moments. God has been so good to give us comfort in His Word, as well as admonition that our days are like "a vapor".
Praying for your friend's family, and hoping that all who were present took the time you did as an opportunity to reflect and re-center. Thank you for posting about a difficult time -- it serves to give us all pause. God bless you and Rob, Kelly.
Bonnie Frodge
I am so sorry for your friend's family's loss. It certainly does make us stop and think and thank the Lord for each new day. Also gives a better perspective on life. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us all. Each day is another blessed opportunity to live for our Lord and love our family even more. I will be praying for this family.
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